The History of Dicks on the Landscape

The History of Dicks on the Landscape is a reading of landscape through the lens of the primordial phallus.
This project was conceived in residency with the fellows of Mildred’s Lane residency during the summer of 2015 (New York, USA)
And manifest as a Performance and Fire Installation. It was accompanied by the following performed text.
The History of Dicks on the Landscape [words by by Rebecca Conroy]
The history of landscape is the blunt end of the axe penetrating our deepest thoughts.
It is the sweeping of the shaft through grasslands,
the silent suffering of the atmosphere
the rampant march of dicks across desert storms
towards an expanding desiring machine.
Frontier sheaths rip through delicate forest canopy,
they lie to cover up their excess as it seeps through the landfill,
an excrement that refuses to return to the earth.
Refuses to give up its mantle.
Refuses to scream.
For such a long time there have been these dicks on the landscape.
Our horizon has been bounded by them, our homes have been built within them, and we have paraded them like a monarchy of everything they survey.
They have been there —framing our landscapes, policing our horizons, and cluttering up our skies.
So many dicks.
Protruding like so many long piercing cries in the woods—their gaze fixing us into their shape.
There are cabins of self made men but there are also lighthouses and rooms of one’s own.
Tomorrow we will go to the lighthouse if the weather is fine.
Collaboration with the 2015 Summer residency artists at Mildred’s Lane, NY, USA